Since March 2023, I have been a postdoctoral researcher at the BioSTM lab, Faculté de Pharmacie, Université Paris Cité under the supervision of Marie Verbanck . My research focuses on developing machine learning methods to explore pleiotropy in human genetic architecture and create a comprehensive map of pleiotropic effects. Before that, I have been a PhD Student in Computational Biology at CBIO team in MINES ParisTech and Institut Curie . I was working under the supervision of Chloé-Agathe Azencott.
About me
I defended my PhD on July 13th, 2022, and my thesis manuscript is online here . The main goal of my thesis is to develop a stable framework for biomarker discovery in multi-locus Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) using Machine Learning, essentially feature selection models to deal with high-dimensional data. The aim is to find an association between the genotype and the phenotype, particularly in breast cancer. I addressed key challenges such as genetic population stratification, linkage disequilibrium patterns clustering, and the stability of the feature selection... In 2017, I obtained my engineering diploma in embedded systems at the National Engineering School of Sousse (ENISo), Tunisia. I later completed a Master's degree in Intelligent Communicating Systems in 2018 at the same school. I did an internship at the East Paris Institute of Chemistry and Materials Science (ICMPE) in Paris, where I applied Machine learning techniques to discover new chemical compounds for hydrogen storage. This project was supervised by Jean-Claude Crivello and Nataliya Sokolovoska .
Talks and Posters
- March 17, 2022. Multi-task group Lasso for Genome-Wide Association Studies. The Junior Seminar in Artificial Intelligence and Digital Healthcare, Paris (France). [Invited talk]
- February 3, 2022. Multi-task group Lasso for Genome-Wide Association Studies in diverse populations. Institut Curie, Paris (France). [Talk]
- January 6, 2022. Multi-task group Lasso for Genome-Wide Association Studies in diverse populations. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB 2022), Hawaii (USA). [Talk]
- October 25, 2021. Multi-task group Lasso for Genome-Wide Association Studies in diverse populations. NutriOmics seminar. [Invited talk]
- July 29, 2021. Multi-task group Lasso for admixed populations in Genome-Wide Association Studies. Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2021), MLCSB COSI. [Talk] [Poster]
- January 28, 2021. Stable Multi-task feature selection approach for Genome-Wide Association Studies. Institut Curie, Paris (France). [Talk]
- March 11, 2020. Multi-task group Lasso correcting for population stratification in Genome-Wide Association Studies. Institut Curie, Paris (France).[Talk]
- January 23, 2020. Multi-task group lasso for Genome-Wide Association Studies. Statistical Methods for Post Genomic Data (SMPGD 2020), Institut Pasteur, Paris (France). [Poster]
- Nouira. A., Azencottt. C-A, Multi-task group lasso for Genome-Wide Association Studies in diverse populations. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB) 2022. [Full paper] [Supplementary Materials]
- Nouira. A , Sokolovska. N, Crivello. J-C, CrystalGAN: Learning to Discover Crystallographic Structures with Generative Adversarial Networks. AAAI Spring Symposium: Combining Machine Learning with Knowledge Engineering 2019.
GitHub Repositories
- SMuGLasso : Sparse Multitask group lasso for Genome-Wide Association Studies in diverse populations.
- MuGLasso_GWAS : Multitask group lasso for Genome-Wide Association Studies in diverse populations.
- GWAS-admixed-population-simulator : Simulating case-control admixed-population GWAS data in PLINK format.
- CrystalGAN : Learning to Discover Crystallographic Structures with Generative Adversarial Networks.
- Crystal-tools : Useful tools for the preprocessing of CrystalGAN.
- November, 2021: Teaching assistant. Introduction to Machine Learning: Support Vector Machines at MINES ParisTech.
- March, 2021 : Teaching assistant. Workshops of Large-Scale Machine Learning and Data Mining 2021 at MINES ParisTech.
- November, 2019: Teaching assistant. Introduction to Machine Learning: Support Vector Machines at MINES ParisTech.
- March, 2019 : Teaching assistant. Workshops of Large-Scale Machine Learning and Data Mining 2019 at MINES ParisTech.